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How to shop online easy

How to shop online easy
Date Posted: 02/06/2021 09:07      Hits: 2138


Online shopping is like taking the elevator instead of the stairs - faster, more convenient and safer. From second-hand sunglasses to plane tickets to an exotic place - in online stores you will always find what you are looking for. Online shopping has become so popular in the last decade that it is starting to replace the good old "actual shopping".

In this article you will find some important shopping tips that are useful for any beginner online shopping user.

Is it safe to shop online?

Yes, it is safe as long as you follow the rules.

How do you know if a website is safe?

The first thing you should look for in the URL of sites is "secure layer" or SSL. Sites that have this layer will appear as "https" instead of "http". A closed padlock icon should appear alongside the site URL.

Can I shop online for cash?

Yes, it is possible to shop online without using your credit or debit card. Just select the "pay on delivery" option.

How long does the delivery take?

Delivery is different for each website and usually depends on whether the retailer is local or international. It varies from 1 day to 2 months.

And how exactly to start shopping online?

Step 1: Find your product

There are 2 ways to find the product you are looking for: Google search or go to a specific product website: You choose whether it is more convenient for you to search for your products on a specialized site or in "department store" platforms that sell a wide variety of products , including what you are looking for.

Step 2: Investigate your product

Once you find your product on the website, click on it to view its features. The features usually depend on the type of product, but most often include color, size, price and much more. The number of purchases made is also usually indicated, as are the ratings and reviews.

Step 3: Put the product in your shopping cart

Thanks to the "shopping cart magic", most online shopping websites magically help you add your products to the shopping cart with one click. When you click on a button, the goods you want instantly fall into your e-cart. And if this is the only item you want to buy, all you have to do is pay or finalize your order.

Step 4: Finalize the order and pay

This is the time to check what you have chosen to buy. Most websites will allow you to check in as a "guest", but will also ask you to create an account. It is recommended that you create an account so that the information is stored in case of further purchases. This will make your future purchases easier and faster.

Merchants would like to know where to send your product (and you too), so you need to enter your correct address. The next step is usually to indicate your preferred payment method. It can be with a debit or credit card , but it can also be delivered.

You will be given the opportunity to review your product before the final transaction. This aims to ensure that this is exactly what you want.

Step 5: Confirmation

You should receive a confirmation email from the website immediately after purchase and another email when your product is shipped with purchase tracking information. Sometimes, confirmation and tracking data are combined into one email. Once the product is shipped, you will be notified by the courier company and a date will be set for picking up the item.

What are the tips that everyone follows when shopping online?

Use familiar websites

This is probably the most important piece of advice to avoid fraud. Stick to familiar websites when buying products online.

Never give too much information

Wouldn't it be weird if Amazon started asking for your date of birth and the name of your beloved relative? When shopping online, make sure the information provided is closely related to the business transaction; most of the time you will be asked to provide your debit card number and expiration date.

Trust your instincts

If you are wondering whether the deal is real or fraudulent, you better not buy.

Create strong passwords.

A banal but important rule. While shopping online, you will be asked to create a new account. Choose passwords for your account that can't be easily guessed. Strong passwords usually contain uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

Use your own device

It is best to use your own laptop or smartphone to protect vital information, especially when you are in a public place. It's like using an ATM - you definitely don't want the whole queue to stare at your account password and balance.

Newsletter registration

When creating an account and registering for newsletters, you will receive regular emails from the website and you will be among the first to know about promotional sales. This is a great way to save money while shopping online.

Use the application

If you have a trusted website where you shop regularly, just download the app to your phone. That way, you don't have to surf the web every time you want to buy something, you just log in to the app.

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